Dartmouth Events

Ancient Tunes and New Melodies Sing for the World in Harmony

A performance by the Beijing Normal University Art Troupe, including music, dance, and martial arts.

7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Common Ground, Collis Center
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts, Clubs & Organizations, Performances

A visiting delegation of student artists from Beijing Normal University will give a free performance of Chinese performing arts, including music, dance, and martial arts. Their visit to our campus is part of an exchange program with Dartmouth College.

Free and open to the public.

Sponsored by the Dartmouth Chinese Student Association (DCSA), Department of Asian Societies, Cultures and Languages (ASCL), and the Chinese Language House LLC at Dartmouth College.

For more information, contact:
Hope Rennie

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.