Keio Exchange Program

Program Overview

Keio University, located in downtown Tokyo, is one of Japan's oldest and most prestigious academic institutions. Each academic year it hosts one or two Dartmouth students in either their Japanese Language Program (JLP) or their Keio International Program (KIP), which is comprised of courses taught in English.

Learn more from the Guarini Institute.

Financial Information

Tuition and Fees

In addition to the obvious educational benefits, the exchange offers financial advantages.

Dartmouth students studying at Keio for a full year are eligible for Keio's support in applying for the Japanese Ministry of Education and Science Scholarship (MEXT).  This Japanese government scholarship supports foreign students who study in higher education institutions, selected on the recommendation of Japanese Embassy/Consulate General, University, or Authority.

Dartmouth students studying for a single semester are eligible for the Keio University International Center Scholarship.  Scholarships such as JASSO are available but are not guaranteed for all the exchange students since the number of recipients is limited.
The Japan Student Service Organization (JASSO) Student Exchange Support Program for Short Term Study in Japan (JASSO Scholarship) is available to qualified students who have been admitted to a Japanese college or university for a period of up to one year of study in Japan under a student exchange agreement with a Japanese college or university. The scholarship program is intended to encourage student exchange between universities in Japan and their overseas partner institutions, and to promote understanding and friendship between the participating countries. Monthly stipend: 80,000 yen per month. Read the application guide

Dartmouth students participating on the exchange for one term are expected to pay 1/2 regular tuition to Dartmouth. Dartmouth students participating on the exchange for a full academic year pay Dartmouth 1/2 tuition for the fall and winter terms and are not billed tuition for the Dartmouth spring term. Students will still pay "Other Fees" Dartmouth for each Dartmouth term they are on exchange.  Room and board charges, and other program expenses are paid by the student directly to Keio, and these costs may be offset by scholarship support offered by Keio University should the Dartmouth student receive such support.

Because the Keio exchange is an official program sponsored by the College, the Dartmouth student does not need to pay the transfer term fee that the College charges to students who study on outside programs during leave terms. The cost of transportation to and from the site is the responsibility of the student.

Financial Aid

Financial aid is available for official exchange programs arranged through the College. Financial aid awards are adjusted to reflect the actual cost of the exchange term. However, students will receive no more scholarship assistance than they would have received for a term at Dartmouth. Any extra costs associated with the program will be covered by additional loan assistance.